Diamond Congo

This is an NPC only Kingdom

Kingdom Summary

A wild and untamed kingdom of survival of the fittest in the thickest jungles of the African Congo basin, where struggles for dominance are commonplace. Once a kingdom of bloodthirsty warlords competing for favor of the God of the Hunt, and the powerful Blood Diamonds, it was briefly ruled by an ancient ancestor spirit of the bakongo people who withdrew from the political arena. A recent coup by the God of Iron, Ogun, has returned the seed of violent conflict to the kingdom. Only time will tell if Ogun’s reign will last.

Dominant Races

Shifters and Mages, some Fae

Politics & NPCs

Prior to their war with the Middle Kingdom, the internal politics of the Kingdom of Diamond were chaotic. Inhabitants of the domain remained in a state of constant, bloody competition with one another for power and supremacy. Due to the reclusive nature of the inhabitants, little is known of the politics following the upheaval. It is not certain if this practice continues, or how the new lord of the kingdom has shaped it. The former king Tore has been deposed, and the ancient tribal ancestor spirit, Nzambi a Mpungu, overthrown. Last heard, the God of Iron, Ogun, rules the Diamond Congo, with all others serving him. Their society is heavily built around the veneration of ancestor and nature spirits, and Shaman regularly perform rites to honor such spirits.

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Dischordia, German Free States, Iron Lotus


AztlanJukurrpaUkhu AmarumayaVechnyy Uzhas

Umbral Realms

Low Umbra - Shroud 5 (Bush of Ghosts - Shroud 1)
Middle Umbra - Gauntlet 0 (Pangaea - Gauntlet 2, Atrocity Realm - Gauntlet 5)
Dreaming - Mists 6
High Umbra - Periphery 8 (Afterworlds - Periphery 5)

Kingdom Views

Death is not the end of life, but a transition from one form of existence to another. The ignorant fear death because it marks the end of an existence that is known and the beginning of one that is unknown. The strong prey on the weak, that is the way of the forest. It is necessary. Like my ancestors before me, I embrace this - I will be strong. I have become an aged tree; I will no longer die; I have become two hundred hills rolled into one; I am immovable.

Aether: Mbombo was alone in darkness and water before he vomited up creation, and he will one day clean his mess. When there is no one left to remember us, we will truly be gone.

Avalon: Our opinion of them is neither high nor low. 

Aztlan: A ruler should take up arms to guard his people, not slaughter them like cattle. This is what Tore never understood and it was his downfall. May they change their ways or meet a similar fate.

Dischordia: They value the strength of iron, and of those who can claim and hold power.

German Free States: They have proven themselves industrious, and they have a will of iron to stand on their own.

Iron Lotus: Ogun and Kali look upon one another and see kindred spirits, father and mother to their people. Only time will tell if our two gods of iron can coexist, or if one must prove themselves the stronger.

Jade Empire: They must impose order on their people to maintain balance, ignoring the balance which exists naturally. Even the beasts of their courts are forced to follow their rigidly defined culture. For a kingdom which claims enlightenment, they have much to learn.

Jukurrpa: The people of Uluru understand that the chaos of creation and destruction go hand-in-hand. But the weak predator does not eat, and the strong prey does not get eaten. They are weak, hiding behind Balor's cold iron throne, but unable to protect themselves. 

Lazarus’ Empire: They hide from their nature within their cities and their courts, and rejecting the beast within them. They think this makes them civilized and superior, but they are hollow mockeries of life. None fear death so much as the dead.

Ukhu Amarumaya: The people of this kingdom cannot decide if they wish to flourish with the wild or wither with the slaughter of their people. 

Vechnyy Uzhas: Madness infects this land like a pestilence, the source of all troubles since the beginning of time. 

Historical Information

With the fall of the shroud, a god of life and death arose. Under Tore, God of the Forest, the Congo jungle thrived under the black sun. The jungle overran the entire region, growing thicker and more lush than ever. As a god of the Hunt and Death, Tore decreed the only law in the Kingdom of Diamond to be survival of the fittest. His tribal warlord followers struggled for supremacy to earn his blessing.

War of Aether

When Nul struck the world, the Abyss devoured the coasts of Africa. It blackened the trees at the edge of the jungle, but could not reach deep into the living, thriving Kingdom of Diamond. The wild and untamed growth of the region quickly replaced anything Aether’s minions could destroy. Even the blackened touch of the Abyss could not remain for long.

Africa Fractured, Africa United

The Kingdom of Diamond and the Middle Kingdom were among the first guests of the Court of Empires. The most powerful of the Diamond's warlords, King Tore, sought to expand his kingdom. His sight fell upon his closest neighbors: the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

Read more: (Court of Empires) Africa United

War of Maelstrom's Rebuke

During the Court of Empires, diplomatic relations between Dischordia and Lazarus' Kingdom failed. Dischordian nobles learned of a dark ritual planned by the Prince Alyosha Buljiev. In response, Dischordia launched a coordinated attack on Buljiev's domain of Carpathia. Their attack, seen by Lazarus' Empire as unprovoked, precipitated the conflict. The hostility between the two kingdoms erupted into the War of Maelstrom's Rebuke.

A Bargain with Ptah

During their first visit to the Court of Empires, the Middle Kingdom received a surprise. Among the nobles of Dischordia, they recognized a follower of Ptah, a God of their Pantheon. Set sought to make a deal to return their people to the Umbral realm they considered home. Doc agreed to aid them, in exchange for the fealty of those who remained. But before Doc could fulfill his part of the bargain, war came to the shores of the Middle Kingdom. 

Read more: (War of Maelstrom's Rebuke) Bargain with Ptah

The Sublime Cataclysm

As two powerful kingdoms waged their war, the other kingdoms watched and waited. No matter who would be victorious, their victory would alter the political landscape. Few could have suspected the true cost of the end of the war, or the impact it would have on their own kingdoms. In the war's final months, Lazarus' Legion marched on Dischordia and laid waste to their domains. In response, the Dischordian lords enacted a plan of unsurpassed devastation. None outside of Dischordia witnessed the ritual, but kingdoms the world over felt the impact.

Read more: (Sublime Cataclysm)

Treaty of Maelstrom's Rebuke

The war ended one year, to the day, after the events which marked its beginning. Delegates from Dischordia and Lazarus met to solidify a treaty and bring the war to a close. Every kingdom sent diplomats to witness the signing, but each had ulterior motives. Each hoped to see their kingdom's goals reflected in the final document. The Treaty detailed terms of ceasefire, such as returning prisoners and withdrawing troops. Yet it also contained several initiatives which advanced specific agendas.

Read more: (Treaty of Maelstrom's Rebuke)