Domain Summary
A wealthy steampunk-style domain of ruthless business, backwater mining, bootlegging, and superstition in the Appalachian mountains. Due to its rich resources and strong workforce, Appalachia is the frontrunner in innovative mining and manufacturing. Appalachia's capital, the Emerald City, is located in the heart of Blood Mountain. It is the jewel of Appalachia, showcasing it's finest in craftsmanship.
Life in the Domain
The lifestyle in Appalachia ranges from the depths of poverty to the height of wealth. Regardless of economic strata, Appalachia emphasizes a tight community; everyone is family. The peasantry are hard working, and cling to the belief that hard work yields rewards. No matter their beginnings, hard work and a bit of luck can elevate the most humble worker to nobility. There are two main side effects to this. The first is that the peasantry has a powerful work ethic. The second is that they exhibit an almost ruthless competitive streak.
Dominant Races
Fae, Vampires, some Shifters
Paradigm: Mages are rare in this domain. Those few who do exist tend to fall into a more rugged and survivalist paradigm. Dreamspeakers, Verbena, or Orphans would be most prevalent. Some Etherites might find themselves at home in the crafting spirit of the domain.
Politics & NPCs
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Costuming and Archetypes
Steampunk Miner, Backwoods Hill Folk Bootlegger, Wild West Mercenary, Crafty Merchant
Umbral Realms
- Low Umbra - Shroud 6
- Middle Umbra - Gauntlet 6 (Scar - Gauntlet 4)
- Dreaming - Mists 0 (Far Dreaming - Mists 3, Deep Dreaming - Mists 7) / Banality 4
- High Umbra - Periphery 7 (Spires - Periphery 5)
Historical Information
When Balor returned from the Dreaming, at the time a mere Knight, Devil Anse Hatfield rode beside him as his Squire. With his return, Devil Anse was able to see his vision to fruition. Unimpeded by the McCoys, he reclaimed his mountains, which he knew better than any living soul.
Read more: (Shroud Fall) Return of Devil Anse
Soon, he discovered his mines overflowed with unusual precious stones and metals. His territory of Blood Mountain was the richest. These treasures formed from geographical shifts or the merging of a horizon realm. Appalachia began to gather all manner of raw materials, a far step up from a simple logger.
A cunning and ruthless businessman, Hatfield built Appalachia in his own image. He expanded his labor force, bringing wild vampires in line, and courted investors. He gathered Nockers, Boggans, Ogres, Gremlins, and all manner of contacts.
For 5 years they dug into the mountain, building and creating custom equipment and space to live. Only Boggan craftiness could meet the harsh deadlines. They completed 15 years of construction in only 5 short years. The mines, once in full production, had the one customer they cared about: King Balor.
During the Founders Era, the Hatfields remained Balor’s staunchest allies. Alice MacGregor, Appalachia’s most prominent noble, elevated the domain to dominate the courts. With her leadership, and the King's backing, Appalachia became a political powerhouse.
Read more: (Foundation Era) Appalachia
Alice's political cunning secured the Second City as a vassal domain to Appalachia. Her marriage to Devil Anse's own son, Cap, secured the couple as governors of the territory. Her Patron, the Voice of Balor, awarded her the prosperous title of Imperial Treasurer. Another of their nobles, Sylar Veselov McCoy, aided in closing a dangerous trod. His aid contained the volatile St. Louis portal, and earned him the title Master of Trods.
Second City Joins Appalachia
Nobles of the Second City worked to establish a cross-continental railroad. They planned to use it as a means to spread their criminal empire into every domain in the kingdom. Yet others saw far more business potential in their plan.
Read more: (Foundation) Second City Joins Appalachia
The Second City domain lord, Adam of Rome, was little more than a figurehead. Yet he, and the council of elders beneath him, squandered every opportunity. Their repeated failures created a rift between them and the Second City's true power... the crime bosses.
Aided by her prophetic arts and political savvy, Alice MacGregor of Appalachia saw the Second City begin to falter. She laid plans to annex it, but she was not alone. One of the Second City’s nobles, Gemini, was, in actuality, a willing pawn for Gabriel De’Angelo and the Society of Deus. With Gemini’s aid, De’Angelo was able to abduct and imprison Capone. Gabriel dominated Al Capone to gain information and a foothold in the Second City.
When one of the bosses, Torrio, discovered Gemini's duplicity, he was furious. He threw his support behind Appalachia. He saw the profit and power they represented as a better fit. Also, as a long-time friend of Capone, he rejected De'Angelo's offers.
For her accomplishment, Devil Anse gave Alice his blessing to marry his son, Cap. The two were put in charge of governing the Second City on Appalachia's behalf, and they claim it as their own.
Plague of Nightmares
An enemy, the Crimson Weaver, spread a plague of nightmares throughout Dischordia. The domains of Dischordia came together to combat this powerful threat.
Read more: (Foundation Era) Plague of Nightmares
Dischordia caught a glimpse of the chthonic, primordial horror of the Nightmare Lands. Aitu, the Crimson Weaver, spread a plague of nightmares, which threatened Dischordia. It spread first from the Wolves of the North, when they sent infected couriers to warn the other domains. The plague infected peasants and nobles, alike, turning them into indescribable tentacled horrors. It threatened to devastate the populations of Dischordia.
The priests of the New Faith, present in many domains, did what they could to heal the plague. After many months of nightmares, they came to court prepared with a solution. They crafted Dream catchers, combining New Faith rituals and Appalachian gems. They were a tangible symbol of hope to combat the fear spread by the plague. Though effective, they were little better than band-aids. The two domains formed a partnership to mass-produce the Dream catchers. Together, they brought the plague under control, saving Dischordia from horrors of nightmare. However, empowered by raw belief, even the slightest doubt would cause them to fail.
The War of Nightmares
Four Dischordian armies, each led by one of Balor's lords, marched against the Nightmare Lands of Greenland. They were met on the field of battle by Aitu, the Crimson Weaver, and his own cadre of generals.
Read more: (Foundation Era) War of Nightmares
When the call to war went out, Odin awoke from the Odinsleep, and the Wolves of the North fell in line. They had waited long enough, and were eager for battle against their enemies. They marched to battle in silent unison, with crows devouring all in their wake. The Wolves faced the armies of Sargon of Akkad. As Odin and Sargon fought, each shrugged off blows that could shatter mountains. Yet Odin's soldiers lacked his godlike resilience. When he led them into the thick of battle, many of his men fell in the assault.
Lord Devil Anse Hatfield of Appalachia, faced the spectral Queen Amytis. Even the the Spectre's corpus was no match for the Redcap's jaws. One taste was all he needed, and Devil Anse would sniff her out from across the battlefield. His relentless pursuit exhausted even the rage of the Spectre of Despair, until she fell to his teeth.
Bartholomew Roberts, Warlord of Bermuda and Aranta-Shadur, inspired his soldiers into battle. He, the Herald of Poseidon faced Mangora, the Drowned Mage of Mu. Bart's armies appeared from the shadows, and the oceans themselves fought at his side. Nothing slowed the archmage. Mangora's wounds healed faster than Bart could inflicted them. Reality twisted at Mangora's whim. Raw magical power overwhelmed the Bermudan lord, encasing him in an metallic prison.
The countryside was alternately incinerated and frozen with magic. The Praenomen, mysterious domain lord of Archive, faced Shokar, the Immolator of Pompeii. The Praenomen, the most magically adept of Balor's generals, called ice down upon his foe. Shokar summoned the fires of his own rage. The magics they wielded destroyed swaths of the battlefield, and armies with it. Neither could best the other. Yet, Shokar surrendered, hoping the Praenomen's icy magic could cool his tormenting flames. Shokar was returned to Dischordia in cold iron chains.
Dischordia had defeated the Crimson Weaver, and his generals had fallen or fled. The Dischordian armies returned to their kingdom, bloody but victorious. They knew, however, that they could not defeat the nightmares forever. They would thrive in this era of fear and darkness, and Dischordia could only weather the storm.
Archive Joins Appalachia
The harsh and forbidding nature of life in the mountains attracted few nobles to the Archive. Despite their many allies, the domain could not sustain on its own. Both Appalachia and the New Faith approached their allies with invitations to merge. The Praenomen, opened negotiations with Radu Bistri of the New Faith. After weeks of deliberation, the Archive agreed to join under the New Faith's banner. Yet, when it came time to sign the agreement, the Praenomen snubbed the New Faith.
Read more: (Foundation) Archive Joins Appalachia
The Praenomen did not swear oaths to Bistri as agreed. Instead, he joined instead under Devil Anse Hatfield of Appalachia at the last minute. This single act sparked centuries of animosity between Bistri and the Hatfields. The two domains teetered on the brink of war.
Shortly after this merger, Imperial Prince Ailil revealed Archive's most closely-guarded secret. He revealed that Archive's role, as cartographers and historians, was only a ruse to conceal their true purpose... as Balor’s personal spies, saboteurs, and assassins.
Surveyor's Court
During the Surveyor’s Court, Appalachia conquered very little territory. They focused inward, and relied on the reputation of their predecessors. Yet they lost much of the courtly favor they had accumulated during the Founder's Era. Many of their courtiers lacked the political finesse of their predecessors. They provoked war over minor disagreements, and offended enemies and strained alliances.
Appalachia Claims Juarez
Existing hostilities with Aztlan were further provoked during the Surveyor's Court. Appalachian seized the city of Juarez, not knowing that it belonged to Xibalba. Their nobles took the city by force, killing thousands. They seized a Node powered by the hearts and blood of Xibalban citizens. In doing so, they severed the flow of sacrificial power to Xipe Totec, one of Aztlan's Death Gods. Though weakened by these defeats, Aztlan remained quite dangerous. They were more certain than ever that Balor and his kingdom were their enemy.
Archive's Coup
Growing unrest among the Archive’s nobles, and waning faith in the Praenomen, culminated in a coup. At the end of the surveyor's era, nobles of Archive and the Devil's Triangle conspired in rebellion. Calamity of Archive and Doc of Casablanca, ambushed and killed the Praenomen. Taking the mask that held his power and his soul, they shattered it. Calamity gifted the broken mask to Radu Bistri, to end the hostility between the two domains.
Read more: (Surveyor's Court) Archive's Coup
But the death of the Praenomen severed the Archive’s oaths to Appalachia. Rather than re-swear oaths to Appalachia, Calamity instead chose to join Aranta-Shadur. The loss of Archive stripped significant title from Appalachia's lord. Appalachia learning that Aranta-Shadur had aided in the rebellion, fractured their strained alliance. Discovering that Bistri had also benefited from the coup led to continued hostilities. Calamity's efforts to mend the conflict had only worsened them. Devil Anse Hatfield considered Bistri directly responsible for Calamity’s betrayal.
War of Aether
When the Kingdom of Aether attacked, many battles took place upon Appalachia's doorstep. Countless Fae were unwoven by abyssal banality during the siege of the Emerald City. It was in this battle that Devil Anse Hatfield lost his jaw while attempting to devour Nul's general. The Imperial Smith replaced it with a new jaw crafted of cold iron, the Aether showed that none were safe.
Read more: (War of Aether; Appalachia)
Syler Veselov, Ravager of Roads, lost many of his trods leading out of Dischordia. Those that remained were essential to the movement of armies across the kingdom. Without him to guide the domains along the quickest path to where they were most needed, Dischordia would have fallen in the first year.
Appalachian gems proved to be an effective and necessary weapon against Aether's shadows. The kingdom called on them to contribute a vast amount of their domain's wealth to the war effort. At great cost, Alice Hatfield kept the war chest full, and ensured the gems never stopped flowing. This earned goodwill from Ordo and Wolves, who used the gems with great effectiveness in the war.
Hatfields & McCoys
During the early months of the Court of Empires, Appalachia's representation dwindled. Many wondered what had befallen the once-great domain. Some sized it up for conquest, as Appalachia themselves had done in years past.
Read more: (Court of Empires) Hatfields & McCoys
After the War of Aether, Devil Anse wasn't quite the same. Alice Hatfield managed the domain as she always had, but rumor spread that Devil Anse was weak. Before long, these rumblings erupted into a full, but bloodless coup.
The Ravager of Roads, Sylar Veselov McCoy, seized control of the domain from the Hatfields. He persuaded Devil Anse to step down as domain lord - for the good of the domain and his family. Anse agreed, and the McCoys returned to prominence under Prince Sylar. There was no doubt, though, that such a betrayal reignited the long-dormant feud. Many suspected that Devil Anse was playing a longer game. Appalachia's representation returned to court and the domain returned from their obscurity.
The Real McCoy
Persistent disagreements between nobles aggravated tensions between Appalachia and Bermuda. The final straw took place when Conchobhra Mac Carthaigh summoned help from beyond. He struck a deal with Nul which would have threatened Bermudan territory. In response to this, Bermuda declared war on Appalachia. Within minutes, Doc had slain their domain lord, Syler Veselov, and declared the war concluded. In the aftermath, Devil Anse Hatfield reclaimed the Domain Lord's seat of Appalachia. Each side considered the other's debts repaid.
War of Maelstrom's Rebuke
During the Court of Empires, diplomatic relations between Dischordia and Lazarus' Kingdom failed. Dischordian nobles learned of a dark ritual planned by the Prince Alyosha Buljiev. In response, Dischordia launched a coordinated attack on Buljiev's domain of Carpathia. Their attack, seen by Lazarus' Empire as unprovoked, precipitated the conflict. The hostility between the two kingdoms erupted into the War of Maelstrom's Rebuke.
Read more: (War of Maelstroms Rebuke)
When the war started, the domain lord, Sylar Veselov, showed little interest in pursuing it. A few eager nobles were the sum total of Appalachia's contribution to the war effort. Nobles from Ravensholt and York devoted themselves to supporting the Dischordian forces. They earned great glory for their part in the victories on many battlefields.
Kiev was a secondary, but contentious battleground in Carpathia. Empyrean's nobles conquered one of the two primary fortifications early. A temporary ceasefire interrupted the pursuit of the second. A Lazarean officer approached Empyrean's officers. He appealed to their humanity to bring an end to the violence. He tried to persuade them of Lazarus' righteousness, and Dischordia's monstrous corruption.
The ceasefire ended abruptly with an attack by Appalachia. Devil Anse Hatfield himself marched upon the battlefield, slaughtering Lazarean soldiers. He faced Alyosha Buljiev in single combat. Calling upon his powers of Winter, he froze and shattered the Carpathian lord. With the the city's defenders routed, Hatfield staked his own claim, contesting that of his Empyrean rivals.
The Grim Legion's ghost fleet launched coordinated strikes against Dischordia's east coast. Unification, still reeling from the loss of their capitol, was overrun by legionnaires. Survivors of the destruction fled as refugees to the next city, with wraiths in pursuit. The New Faith's northeastern coastal cities fell to naval bombardment in a matter of days. The Legion made landfall and an infantry skirmish ensued. Further inland, the New Faith reinforced their defenses. The siege lasted for months, as more Legion reinforcements arrived. They struck at other domains. The Grim Legion marched on Appalachia, bringing several cities to their knees. None were able to prevent the Legion from marching through their northern mountains. They struck deep into Aranta-Shadur and to the Second City. The Legion marched on Dischordia with impunity. No domain could muster a strong defense to turn aside their assaults. The chances of Lazarus’ victory grew.
Reclaiming of Juarez
When Lazarus declared war on Dischordia, Aztlan saw their chance to strike. Their city of Juarez, taken by Appalachia during the Surveyor’s Court, was not guarded. Appalachia cared little for the city, and had already stripped anything of value from it. With their enemy distracted, Aztlan attacked and reclaimed it. One of Appalachia's nobles, Conchobhra Mac Carthaigh, retaliated.
Read more: (War of Maelstrom's Rebuke) Reclaiming of Juarez
No matter how insignificant, Aztlan needed to see the error of attacking a Dischordian city. In response, Aztlan’s ambassador threatened retribution, and delivered an ultimatum. Dischordia would return Juarez, and Pascal the Traitor, or Aztlan would join the war. What's more, they would bring the full support of their South American allies in Ukhu. The Imperials decided it unwise to provoke war on another front. They decreed that Appalachia return Juarez to Aztlan.
The Sublime Cataclysm
The tides of the war began to turn to their enemy’s favor. The Dischordian lords of prepared a spectacular attack to bring a swift end to the conflict. Sultan Suleiman, a master of spirit magic, led the largest ritual the kingdom had ever seen. New Faith ritualists, students of the Arcane Academy, and a million occultists gathered from all domains aided him. The sky itself bled with the power they summoned. Chunks torn from the spirit realms themselves bombarded Lazarus’ Empire. As each realm struck, it laid waste to thousands of miles of Lazarus' territory. Millions perished in an instant, as the realms destroyed immense swaths of land.
Read more: (Sublime Cataclysm)
As Europe reeled from Dischordia's devastating attack, Aether seized their chance to cripple both. Cities which had fallen to darkness during the War of Aether bled shadows like an open wound. Abyssal armies swarmed from these tears in reality. Shadow-eaten vampires, spectres, and demons laid waste to surrounding territories. The Aether fought without regard for their own destruction, and inflicted considerable damage.
Unbeknownst to Appalachian nobles, Syler Veselov's domain of Underfoot, having fallen silent since his death, was festering with such a threat. In Sylar’s absence, the Wraiths of Underfoot had fallen to their shadows, and the tunnels were now overrun with specters and darkness. Oblivion itself had bubbled into the deepest recesses of Underfoot. When Underfoot failed to send soldiers to the defense of Appalachia, as demanded by Devil Anse, investigations disovered the threat. Devil Anse did not wait for the threat to rise, but took the battle to them, driving the forces of Aether back into the tunnels. Though the darkness of the Abyss claimed many before receding into the darkened tunnels once again. Even then, a few tendrils of darkness overflowed and attacked surrounding cities, and the darkness remained beneath the mountain.
Treaty of Maelstrom's Rebuke
The war ended one year, to the day, after the events which marked its beginning. Delegates from Dischordia and Lazarus met to solidify a treaty and bring the war to a close. Every kingdom sent diplomats to witness the signing, but each had ulterior motives. Each hoped to see their kingdom's goals reflected in the final document. The Treaty detailed terms of ceasefire, such as returning prisoners and withdrawing troops. Yet it also contained several initiatives which advanced specific agendas.