Sorcery (Hedge Magic)

Any race can learn Hedge Magic if they have a teacher, or other means of obtaining it. The following changes have been made to Hedge magic:

  • Paradigms - All sorcerers will need to have a paradigm. This does not mean that you are part of a Mage Tradition. This is the way that you view magic in the world. This must all be in line with the supernatural race that you belong to.
  • Reality - When you are in your domain all of your sorcery is considered coincidental. When you are outside of your domain you will find that your sorcery may be vulgar to others and find it harder to cast. (see modifier table below)
  • No Paradox - We are not using Paradox as an optional rule, however sorcery can still be vulgar. See difficulty modifier chart below.
  • No Dynamic Casting - We not allowing dynamic casting, see “Static is static…” below.
  • Hanging Spells - You can hang spells at the cost of an addition willpower trait. That willpower cannot be recovered while the spell is hung, it is "locked" holding the spell. In addition you are also down 1 trait in all mental challenges. It will not take a turn to let the spell lose, however you have to will letting the spell lose. This means that you cannot hang spells on contingencies. This means you cannot use hung spells if you are unconscious, or under the effects of a power that says you can take no other action but what it allows.
  • Foci - Can be used to explain to the Storyteller running your scene how you cast your magic. Foci are required for Hedge Magic to work as it is practiced repeated spells and techniques.
  • Mana - Creatures without mana use their Willpower to fuel Hedge Magic.
  • Counter Magic is covered in the Powers vs. Powers. Sorcerers are at a 1 trait disadvantage vs. True Magic, Cantrips, and Hekau Paths.

Static is Static

Hedge Magic is all static magic. You cannot toss spells together to make new spells on the fly. You may buy new spells by mixing paths that you already have. All and any spells made in fashion must be brought to and approved by the storytellers. The cost for such spells is the time learning them which is the lead path rating in weeks +1 week for every path add after, example: A sorcerer wants to make a spell that will burn a target using Hellfire but will also eat 1 level of "power" using Mana Manipulation. They will make a spell using Mana Manipulation 4 and Hellfire 3. The time to learn this spell is 5 weeks, 4 from the main path and then a plus 1 for adding a path regardless of the seconds paths level.

Casting a Spell Step by Step

  1. Pick the Spell you want to cast. You must have the spell and you cannot cast dynamic spells.
  2. Take a number of rounds equal to the spell level to cast the spell, or take the added difficulty to the spell for fast casting (see modifier table below).
  3. Use your Foci.
  4. Figure out the difficulty of your spell (see modifier table below).
  5. Bid your appropriate Traits.
  6. Perform the challenge.
    1. You win!
    2. You lose! Move on to an ability retest. This will be determined by your Paradigm, but will default to Occult
    3. You still lose! Overbid if you can after subtracting traits used thus far. If you have more than double the traits needed to cast the spell you can call for an overbid. To do this you must risk a willpower trait in place of a regular trait.
  7. Win or lose, mark off a willpower from your sheet, 2 if you over bid and lost, all of the appropriate traits used in the challenge.

Spell Difficulties and Modifiers

All spells difficulties are the level of the spell plus any modifiers used below. If you have a spell that you made that uses 2 paths at the same time add up the difficulty of both paths to determine the difficulty. If such a spell pushes you over 5 you still only need to cast for 5 rounds.


Rushed magic

+1 per round rushed.

Vulgar magic to domain reality

+1 to +5.

Co-casting same paradigm

-1 per sorcerer if they win a simple test, if they fail +2 to the difficulty.

Spend a mana point

-1 per mana spent.


apply as normal.

Energy saver

+2, If you know a path 2 levels higher than the spell you are casting you may add +2 to the difficulty of your spell in order to save 1 Willpower.


When you use a path you can take 5 minutes per path of the spell you are casing and turn it into a ritual.  If you do this you may add your Ritual ability to the test total.