
The holidays of the fae are vast and many. Each with its own purpose to spread glamour and the glory of High King Balor. There are holidays celebrated by the court, and holidays that are celebrated by local lords and their vassals sworn in fealty. Each one represents a particular time of passage and reflection during the year.

A time when communities would assess their provisions to see if they’d last through the winter, the fae celebrate their Glamour in the face of Banality; if Glamour is plentiful, it is cause for great merriment, but if not it is a time for somber reflection.

Traditions: Telling stories of times past. Renewing commitments.

A bard’s festival, Imbolc celebrates the rekindling of the light of Glamour after the chill of winter. Amid the many competitions of music, poetry and dance, riders from the High King’s court bring brands lit from the hearth of the royal palace to re-ignite the local freeholds.

Traditions: Rekindling the balefire. Talent shows for various art forms.
7th Age Court: It is the day that the Balefire form the High King’s hearth is shared with all the freeholds of the domains of Dischordia to keep the flames going and the glamour flowing.
Game Date: Observed on the First Saturday of every February. It is the first courtly holiday of the year and represents a return to courtly matters. This holiday is ALWAYS hosted by the Imperials.

One of the wildest parties of the Kithain year, this frenzied celebration celebrates a new year, as well as unity between noble and commoner. Traditional roles are reversed, and everyone gets a little bit crazy. The next morning all returns to normal, hopefully with everyone a little wiser for it.

Traditions: A mortal is elected King or Queen of Carnival, while the current ruler becomes a jester, lowest of the low. For one night, the mortal (typically one heady with drink and/or Glamour) is absolute ruler, while the jester is heaped with abuse and ridicule. Carnival has three laws: There can be no revenge for any word spoken or deed done, including by or to the jester; all are welcome and safe, with punishment for violation of this rule decided by the King or Queen; and let merriment reign!
7th Age Court: This holiday tends to see enemies up turned and if one happens to be without title by this point, they are the king or queen, and subject to all that entails by the court. This highest titled individual is the Court Jester subject to the abuse of all and the lowest titled individual (usually one without title) become the king or queen of Carnival. Unseelie Carnival ends in the sacrifice of the King or Queen at the end of the night for all to feast on the Glamour provided by the festivities.
Game Date: Observed on the First Saturday of every March. Whoever wins December court hosts Carnival.

As another date balanced between light and shadow, the Vernal Equinox is the first of three spring celebrations of the Kithain, and most favored by grumps for its quiet contemplation of the possibilities of new life in the coming seasons, so close to the winter just passed.

Traditions: Lighting ceremonial candles.

An informal yet merry festival, this is the second of the three spring ceremonies of the fae, and the one childlings most enjoy. It is a time of innocence and creativity, where the purity of new life is recalled.

Traditions: Weaving garlands from grasses and flowers. Morris dancing.

The third spring rite and one of the two greatest Kithain ceremonies of the year, Beltane is a nighttime fertility festival and belongs almost entirely to the wilders. In old times, the Seelie court would take over from the Unseelie at this time, and it is still a time of warmth and vitality. Violence is prohibited on Beltaine by sacred law and love rules the night.

Traditions: Singing, dancing, jesting, wooing and other amorous arts. Many freeholds even hold kissing or wooing contests, to crown a “Greatest Lover.” This is a traditional day for faerie weddings.
7th Age Court: This holiday is known for darker carnal pleasures and public expressions of love and lust in Dischordia. At court it is no different. After the weddings have commenced the evening courts put the lovers to the test. The one crowned “Greatest Lover” will have proven themselves throughout the night and is expected to have their title challenged at Beltane the following year. Rarely does the same being retain such an honorific title.
Game Date: Observed on the First Saturday of every May. Whoever wins April court will host Beltaine.

Aside from taking in (or staging) a production of the delightful play that borrowed its name from this holiday, whenever possible, this is a time for the Seelie to celebrate their power, and grant favors to those in need.

Traditions: Granting boons. Taking on quests. Recognizing new Seelie fae.

Timed to take place at the hottest part of the season, this holiday is a time of great merriment and spontaneity, feeding off the “heat dreams” of mortals; it is especially sacred to the pooka, who refer to it as “Pranksgiving” and who compete to craft the greatest practical joke or jest.

Traditions: Pranking contests (pooka and non-pooka alike). Musing contests.

A festival of tasting the first fruits of the harvest, this used to mark the last great Seelie celebration of the year, where the sweet fruits of the spring and summer are savored for their contrast to the coming cold months. It was also a celebration of the sun. Now, the sun is dead and in Dischordia this is a mockery of Lugh. Foods are made in jest to be the most foul possible to see if you can dare others to eat them - this addition makes the holiday very popular among Sluagh. Songs are sung that mock the sun for its arrogance and praise for Anthelios is given.

Traditions: Foul baking and cooking contests. Feasts. Release from quests.
7th Age Court: This holiday is commonly used in Dischordia for Oaths of Accepted Burden or Oaths of the Long Road to give an end date to a specific quest. If the oath is not completed by then, any of the oath breakers enter the arena of battle and fight until only one stands. Those who have kept their oaths feast and watch as those who did not fight. The winner gets to join the feast and their breach is forgiven. The rest are doomed to famine and none may share their harvest with them that night as they are unworthy. They must eat the Foul Feast!
Game Date: Observed on the First Saturday of every August. Whoever wins July court will host Lughnasa.

The second day of balance, this time the shift is away from light into shadow, and as such is a favorite rite of Unseelie grumps, who use this day to plan the coming winter months.

Traditions: Lighting ceremonial candles.

A celebration of the military might and history of the Kithain, the Warrior’s Holiday is a chance for brave fae to prove their worth and vie for prizes in all manner of competitions. It is also a favorite with many craftsmen, who bring their wares to sell at these huge festivals.

Traditions: Martial tournaments. Mock combats. Duels. Bardic contests. Displays of craftsmanship. Warrior memorials. Oaths of fealty, particularly for knights.
7th Age Court: This holiday sees Dischordians join banners and prove their martial worth to prospective lords. The courts see many contests these nights, whether they be of wits or of brawn. This is the most common night that Balor’s Jester, the Champion of Balor, the Imperial Smith, and the Imperial Thief are issued challenges to have their appointments taken by another worthy opponent.
Game Date: Observed on the First Saturday of every October. Whoever wins September court will host Pennons.

A night of dark revelry and the other highest festival of the year, Samhain honors the spirits of the dead and teaches all to embrace their Unseelie side, if only for a night. Forbidden passions are expressed, hidden lore brought to light and prophecies of the coming year are made.

Traditions: Masquerade balls. Scary story contests. Prophecy rituals. Seances.
7th Age Court: This holiday is the most sacred of Unseelie celebrations. Anything goes for one night only, for once you awaken from Samhain, you have no memory of what happened the night before. Many Dischordians attempt to keep notes or retain surveillance from the evening, but a true Unseelie never taints the sanctity of the holiday. Truly important events may be remembered in pieces as fuzzy unfamiliar thoughts. It is a night of masquerade balls and revelation of dark secrets held in the heart of all.
Game Date: Observed on the First Saturday of every November. It is the last courtly holiday of the year. This holiday is ALWAYS hosted by the Imperials. It is the High Holiday of the Unseelie Fae.

Treasured by the Unseelie, this commoner festival mostly mocks the failed revolutionary yet also serves to remind the nobles that the commoners remember what royal injustices lit his proverbial fuse.

Traditions: Costume dramas. Light shows and fireworks.

Also celebrated as the Winter Solstice, this longest night of the year is a night for the Unseelie to revel in their power and grant “gifts” to those they favor. Many Kithain have adopted similar rituals to the Christian Christmas ceremony and will exchange gifts both Glamourous and mundane in defiance of the darkness and chill in the air around them.

Traditions: Gift exchanges. Reflections on the year gone past. Recognizing new Unseelie fae.

These are the high holidays of the Unseelie Court of Dischordia. Each is observed at Imperial Court and the hosting domain is expected to include the ceremonies in the evening festivities. Two among them are reserved solely for the Imperials, Imbolc and Samhain, which represent the opening and closing of the yearly rotation of Imperial Court.

Though many of these holidays are observed, they are celebrated at the homes and freeholds of local lords. You will not see these holidays celebrated at Imperial Court.