Miscellaneous Titles

Other duties, positions, and titles may be appointed or stripped at the whim of High King Balor. However, some of these titles can be claimed by duel or contest from other interested Dischordians. A person may hold multiple titles if they can perform the tasks demanded by each, but they may only benefit from a given advantage once.

High King Jacob “Doc” Accardo Winter MD

Responsible for entertaining High King Balor through the courts. The Jester must find ways to humor the High King, and his humor is dark. This duty can be taken by another though a Duel of Wits before the court or High King.

Granted Abilities:
King’s Grace - High King Balor can choose not to affect this individual with his presence.
King’s Humor - This ability causes a target to burst into fits of hysterical laughter with the expenditure of a Willpower and a successful contested Willpower test vs. each of the subjects the individual wishes to affect in the room. The effects are triggered by any comment made after the ability is performed, which will seem unbelievably funny. The targets may take no action other than defending themselves due to laughing uncontrollably. The effect lasts for one turn.

Squire Stoneheart of Imperial Bermuda

Balor’s personal Knight and Champion is allowed the distinction of fighting High King Balor’s duel’s and trains with the Imperial Guard. This duty can be taken by another though a Duel of Combat before the court or High King. A Champion of Balor can never be higher titled than a Knight. Once the individual reaches a higher title, it must be passed on through a Duel of Combat.

Granted Abilities:
King’s Grace - High King Balor can choose not to affect this individual with his presence.
Balor’s Might - This is a retest that can be used for any Physical Challenge once each challenge.

Count Michael Dragosani, Sage of Deus

The common people of Dischordia and others abroad know this person and trust them. This station listens to the commoners and disenfranchised and champions their needs. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
Common Ground - Gain a bonus equal to your title on all Social Challenges with commoners, wastelanders, and non-Dischoridans.
Will of the People - This is a retest that can be used for any challenge involving Leadership or Performance once each challenge to sway the emotions of those gathered before you.


A powerful and dangerous duty, this station is responsible for the collection, documentation, and destruction of the Shards of the Gods. This station works closely with the Hierophant and the Arcane Academy. This duty is not to be taken lightly and, should it be abused, will find they are not immune to Balor’s gaze. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
Silver Immunity - Upon being granted this distinction the bearer of this station is no longer vulnerable to silver or moon light and immune to the Shards of Luna damaging effects.
Gold Immunity - Upon being granted this distinction the bearer of this station is no longer vulnerable to gold or sunlight and immune to the Shards of Helios damaging effects.
Balor’s Vulnerability - The effects of all gaze attacks (ones that do physical damage) are doubled against one of this station. The High King’s gaze destroys this individual utterly should he be forced to use it on them.

Great Grand Craftsman Knight Julius Artok III, esquire, Herald to High King Balor & Imperial Smith, D.D.S.

The Imperial Herald is responsible for carrying the “brand” of Dischordia and High King Balor to the people and other kingdoms. While the Voices of Balor speak the will of their King, the Herald is the face. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
King’s Grace - High King Balor can choose not to affect this individual with his presence.
Imperial Courtier - Gain a bonus on all Trait categories that cannot be lost equal to their rank in title.

Lady Jannat of Persia, Sultanate of Glass, Observers of Fate

The Eye of Lumi recognizes one as the Imperial Oracle. With it the Imperial Oracle warns the high king of ill portents and paths to glory. This station works closely with the Hierophant. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it, though recovery and possession of the lost Eye would earn great favor

Granted Abilities:
King’s Grace - High King Balor can choose not to affect this individual with his presence.
Eye of Lumi - The oracle can see events in the future, signs and omens. Spend a Willpower point and makes a Mental Challenge vs. 21 traits (retest with Enigmas). With success, she may peer beyond tomorrow and gain one insight (usually vague).

Great Grand Craftsman Knight Julius Artok III, esquire, Herald to High King Balor & Imperial Smith, D.D.S.

The duty of the Imperial Smith is, simply, to craft whatever the High King demands at the time. The Smith is also expected to push the boundaries of their crafts, finding new and innovative ways to meet whatever new demands are presented by the ever-changing world. This station works closely with the Hierophant. This duty can be taken by another though a Duel of Craftsmanship before the court or High King.

Granted Abilities:
Crystal Lens - This is the item conferred to the station. By placing this lens over one eye and concentrating upon an item, the viewer can discern the magical properties of it. By spending a Willpower the individual can make a Mental Challenge vs. the trait rating x3 of any magical item to determine its magical properties.
Imperial Craftsman - Gain a bonus to their Crafts ability equal to their rank in title.


No official record exists of this position being filled. If it is filled, it is unknown who or what occupies this station. Rumors abound, suggesting that it is the Domain Lord of Archive, the Director of the organization known as the Silence, or even High King Balor, himself. It is the duty of this station to monitor events secretly in Dischordia and beyond its borders. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
King’s Grace - High King Balor can choose not to affect this individual with his presence.
Imperial Spy Network
- The Influence Cap does not apply to Spies Influence.
King’s Underhand - A retest that can be used for any challenge involving Stealth or Subterfuge once each challenge.

Count James Virgil Swain

The Imperial Thief is charged with discretely obtaining dangerous or significant artifacts from enemies (or potential enemies) of the Empire. The Skeleton Key is the item that confers the station. This duty can be taken by another though a Duel of Guile and Stealth before the court or High King.

Granted Abilities:
Skeleton Key - This device can open almost every kind of closed and locked device, door, or portal. Spend a Willpower and perform a Physical Challenge, difficulty rating set by a Storyteller or player whom has warded an area, to open a closed portal, locked barrier, or bypass a warded area.
Rogue’s Gambit - This is a retest that can be used for any challenge involving Stealth or Subterfuge once each challenge.

Princess Alice MacGregor-Hatfield of the Second City

This position is responsible for managing the coffers of the kingdom, including tax collection and the minting of coin and creating a usefulness for the empire’s Resources. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
Imperial Courtier - Gain a bonus on all Trait categories that cannot be lost equal to their rank in title.
Financial Wizardry - A retest that can be used for any challenge involving Commerce or Politics once each challenge.

Imperial Sanctum Magistrate, designated “The Warden”

Responsible for constructing and maintaining a facility capable of holding dangerous criminals and threats to Dischordia, and keeping them adequately contained. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it. Naturally, this position works closely with the Imperial Sanctum and the Praetor.

Granted Abilities:
Imperial Sanctum Mask - The wearer gains all benefits and drawbacks of such a mask: Arcane x 1, 2 additional Willpower Traits and +2 Bonus Traits to resist mind or emotional altering effects, and the ability to determine lies by defeating your target in a social challenge. However, while wearing the mask, the Warden gains the negative Social trait: Callous x 3, become incapable of lying, and their nature and demeanor become Judge / Fanatic.
Subdue Suspect - In the pursuit of their duty, the Imperial Warden may need to overcome powerful adversaries, and this ability is intended to aid with that. When activated, at the cost of a Willpower, the Warden gains Countermagic equal to their title to use against an effect for a round.

High Queen Calamity Bambi Winter Rose of Archive

The Master of Ravaging is responsible for places of power within Dischordia. Freeholds, Caerns, Nodes, or Dragon Nests... regardless of what they’re called or how they manifest, confluences of magical energy fall within the Ravager’s jurisdiction and authority, as does their creation and destruction. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
Creation & Destruction - The Master of Ravaging is conferred a treasure capable of destroying a place of power, converting it from one form to another, or establishing a new one at any location capable of housing one. By expending a Willpower and succeeding at a Willpower vs. 3 times the power rating of the magical site, The Orb can absorb it power rating within it. By spending a Willpower again, the orb automatically empties the power at a new site (or the same) adding the energy to what already exists there, or creating a new site at the power level of what was absorbed. At this time, the Master of Ravaging decides what kind of magical energy it will produce. This allows for the Master of Ravaging to create truly wondrous places of power, however, only one place of power can be within the orb at any time regardless of the power level.
Sense Ley Line - There are theories that places of power occur naturally where a convergence of lines of power exist. The Master of Ravaging can detect such ley lines and know where the nearest place of power will be. By spending a Willpower and succeeding in a Willpower test vs. double the Gauntlet Rating the Master of Ravaging can detect where a font of power is or can be placed.

King Dietrich Mercer of Empyrean Unification

This duty is reserved for one with a careful balance of trust and wisdom, and blood-thirsty vindictiveness. Given only to an individual who will know when to act, when the time is right, necessary, and with meaning, for once the powers of this station is used, it cannot be used again. An individual using the power of this station may only act once, ensuring their own destruction along with their lands and title. They must be willing to make this sacrifice in order to defend or avenge Dischordia. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
Let’s Start A War - This station may declare war without being at court in front of the Voice or Whispers.
Red Button - When the Master of the Red Button activates it, it is an act of mutually assured destruction. Though the target they choose is destroyed utterly, their own lands and title are sacrificed in the process.

Vacant (Formerly the late Imperial Queen Ellette Orlaithe Maeve)

This appointment is responsible for organizing the needs of foreign ambassadors within Dischordia and the needs of the Dischordian ambassadors sent to other kingdoms. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
King’s Grace - High King Balor can choose not to affect this individual with his presence.
Imperial Courtier - Gain a bonus on all Trait categories that cannot be lost equal to their rank in title.
Perfect Poise - This is a retest that can be used for any challenge involving Leadership or Etiquette once each challenge.

Vacant (Formerly the late Prince Sylar Veselov McCoy of Appalachia)

The Ravager of Roads is tasked with creating, destroying, and maintaining the Trods and Umbral Pathways that crisscross Dischordia, ensuring that they are kept in good repair to provide (relatively) safe passage to travelers. Only High King Balor can confer this appointment to an individual or strip it.

Granted Abilities:
Trod Master - With this ability, the Ravager of Roads can manipulate existing Trods and Umbral Pathways to expand them to accommodate an army, or thinning them to the point of invisibility. By spending a Willpower and succeeding in a Willpower Challenge vs. the Trod’s rating times 3, the path can be widened or narrowed at the Ravager of Roads desire. If narrowed, an additional mental challenge is required for anyone but the Trod Master to locate it.
Road Less Travelled - The Road Less Traveled is one that the Ravager of Roads forges from nothing. With this ability, the trod master can lay a new silver path connecting two locations with which he is familiar, with the expenditure of a Willpower and a successful Willpower Challenge vs. the Trod’s rating times 3. The trod remains for the span of one month, unless a Permanent Glamour is spent to invest the Trod with permanence.